Creative Edible Garden Focaccia Bread


Focaccia Bread - Edible Garden!

This beautiful edible garden focaccia bread was created using our Moroccan Black Olives and a focaccia bread mix which you can purchase from Sainsburys or online directly from their Wright’s baking website and actually you can get 5 x 500g packs for £5.30 so not bad at all! 

We know it’s cheating using a bread mix, but life is busy and we all need abit of ‘ease’ sometimes! 

This creative creation was made by Kate who is actually the Wife of one of the Managing Directors of West Country Olives/Orchardlea Foods. 
If you are local to Devon and looking for creative delicious cakes then you have to check out her website and socials –  
Kate’s Kakes | Exeter | Bespoke Cakes (



Obviously you don’t have to be as creative, you can leave your focaccia bread completely untouched once baked! 

I personally love to accompany focaccia with cheese or simply dipped in olive oil. 

  • 1 x Pack Garlic & Rosemary Focaccia bread mix
  • 1/2 Red Onion
  • 1/4 Yellow Pepper
  • 4 or 5 Cherry tomatoes cut in half
  • West Country Olives Moroccan Black 
  • 1 x Whole Garlic Sliced
  • Asparagus 
  • Rosemary sprigs
  • Garlic Chive edible flowers
  • Nasturtium edible flowers 


  1. Prepare the focaccia bread mix as per package instructions 

  2. Slice Onion, pepper, tomato and garlic

  3. Arrange as per the picture or if you fancy doing your own garden design go for it!

  4. Bake in the over as per packet instructions.

  5. ENJOY! 

    See photo below of the finished baked focaccia. 

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